Note: If you're getting unexpected or bad results you may want to follow these steps first.

Here are some tips and tricks that may help you get the most out of Adflow's AI.

Write more detailed inputs

Adflow's AI will generate content based on the information that it has at hand. That's why longer, more accurate inputs are typically better.

This is especially true when the AI asks you to describe your your product or service. These inputs can accept up to 250 characters, and we really recommend you try expanding on your description with as many specifics as possible. That may improve the results.

Below are some common type of description sentences that work particularly well with our AI:

___ is the only product that ___

At ___ we guarantee ____

Our target customers are ___ that ___

Our ___ guarantees that ___

We solve the problem of ___ for ___

Use the advanced brief

You may be creating ads that will run on special occasions, that may want to reach a specific target audience that you have in mind.

In such cases, we recommend you include advanced details in your brief:

Use more keywords

Some of Adflow's AI tools accept keywords as an input. Our AI really likes keywords, because it can use them to interpret what your product or service is about. Make sure you add between 3 and 5 keywords for each brief, and try to be as specific as possible.

Change your wording

Switching up your word choice may help you to get different or better results. You can try to use synonyms, or you can change your sentence structure.